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Volume 3
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Aquatic Mammals, Volume 3(1), 1-7
The “atrophic” eye of Platantista gangetica
Author: Dral, D. G.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 3(1), 5-31
Locomotion in dolphins, Part I: Hydrodynamic experiments on a model of the bottle-nosed dolphin, Tursiops truncatus
Authors: Purves, P. E., van Heel, W. H., & Jonk, A.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 3(2), 1-4
Vitamin requirements of dolphins
Author: Manton, V. J. A.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 3(2), 4-9
Remarks on the composition of water for dolphins in inland dolphinariums
Author: Dudok van Heel, W. H.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 3(2), 9-15
Overview of world wide cultured fish production
Author: Brown, E. E.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 3(2), 15-20
Estrogen, corticosteroid and progestagen patterns in the pregnant and non-pregnant bottle-nosed dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, following the intramuscular and intravascular administration of NIH-FSH-Ovine-S9
Author: Richkind, M., & Ridgway S. H.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 3(2), 20-22
Fibre optic gastroscopy in an anaesthetized walrus
Authors: Hagenback, C. C., Lindner, H., & Weber, D.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 3(2), 22-25
Investigations on the viability of larval helminths after freezing
Author: Dailey, M. D.