February 13, 2025

Issue 2



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Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(2), 95-100
The European studbook of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus): 1998 survey results
Author: García Hartmann, M.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(2), 101-110
Comparative morphology and distribution of the aduncus and truncatus forms of bottlenose dolphin Tursiops in the Indian and Western Pacific Oceans
Authors: Hale, P. T., Barreto, A. S., & Ross, G. J. B.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(2), 111-126
Distribution of cetaceans off Society Islands (French Polynesia) as obtained from dedicated surveys
Author: Gannier, A.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(2), 127-131
Food consumption of a captive female killer whale (Orcinus orca)
Authors: Kastelein, R. A., Odell, D., Nieuwstraten, S. H., & Wiepkema, P. R.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(2), 132-136
Behavioral sleep in captive sea otters
Authors: Lyamin, O. I., Oleksenko, A. I., Sevostiyanov, V. F., Nazarenko, E. A., & Muhametov, L. M.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(2), 137-142
Satellite tracking a rehabilitated Guadalupe fur seal (Arctocephalus townsendi)
Authors: Lander, M. E., Gulland, F. M. D., & DeLong, R. L.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(2), 143-147
Stingray spines: A potential cause of killer whale mortality in New Zealand
Authors: Duignan, P. J., Hunter, J. E. B., Visser, I. N., Jones, G. W., & Nutman, A.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(2), 148-150
First report of remoras on two killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the Gulf of California, Mexico
Authors: Guerrero-Ruiz, M., & Urbán R., J.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(2), 151-157
Morphometric measurements and body condition of healthy and starveling Steller sea lion pups (Eumetopias jubatus)
Authors: Trites, A. W., & Jonker, R. A. H.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(2), 158-164
Abstracts from the 28th Annual Symposium of the European Association for Aquatic Mammals
Author: Thomas, J. A.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(2), 165-166
Book Review: Animal Training: Successful Animal Management Through Positive Reinforcement
Author: van der Toorn, J.


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