April 29, 2024

Issue 1



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Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(1), 1

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(1), 2-6
Prey of offshore bottlenose dolphins from the South China Sea
Authors: Barros, N. B., Parsons, E. C. M., & Jefferson, T. A.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(1), 7-16
A cryo-scanning electron microscopic study of the skin surface of the pilot whale Globicephala melas
Authors: Baum, C., Stelzer, R., Meyer, W., Siebers, D., & Fleischer, L.-G.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(1), 17-25
Vertebral column malformations in New Zealand delphinids with a review of cases world wide
Authors: Berghan, J., & Visser, I. N.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(1), 26-32
The absolute necessity of chest-wall collapse during diving in breath-hold diving mammals
Authors: Brown, R. W., & Butler, J. P.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(1), 33-44
Food consumption, growth, body dimensions, and respiration rates of captive false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens)
Authors: Kastelein, R. A., Mosterd, J., Schooneman, N. M., & Wiepkema, P. R.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(1), 45-48
Ultrasonic analysis of pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps) and Hubbs’ beaked whale (Mesoplodon carlhubbsi) clicks
Author: Marten, K.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(1), 49-56
Impact of fisheries on the tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis) and rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis) populations off Ceará state, northeastern Brazil
Authors: Monteiro-Neto, C., Alves-Júnior, T. T., Ávila, F. J. C., Campos, A. A., Costa, A. F., Silva, C. P. N., & Furtado-Neto, M. A. A.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(1), 57-64
Fluke-made bubble rings as toys in bottlenose dolphin calves
Author: Pace, D. S.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(1), 65-75
Growth parameters of Pontoporia blainvillei and Sotalia fluviatilis (Cetacea) in northern Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Authors: Ramos, R. M. A., Di Beneditto, A. P. M., & Lima, N. R. W.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(1), 76-82
Effect of ration size and meal frequency on assimilation and digestive efficiency in yearling Steller sea lions, Eumetopias jubatus
Authors: Rosen, D. A. S., Williams, L., & Trites, A. W.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 26(1), 83-94
Frequency-modulation sensitivity in bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus: Evoked-potential study
Authors: Supin, A. Ya., & Popov, V. V.


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