October 5, 2024

Issue 2



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Aquatic Mammals, Volume 20(2), 57-58
Book Review: marine mammal sensory systems
Authors: Manton, V.J.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 20(2), 59-64
The injury and subsequent healing of a serious propeller strike to a wild bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) resident in cold waters off the Northumberland coast of England
Authors: Bloom, P.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 20(2), 65-67
Beaching behaviour during shallow water feeding by humpback dolphins Sousa plumea
Authors: Peddemors, V.M., Thompson, G.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 20(2), 69-72
Twenty years of seal pathology (1970-1990)

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 20(2), 73-79
Capturing male northern fur seals from haulout sites: estimates of capture efficiency and escapement
Authors: Trites, A.W., Scordino, J. Authors: van der Kamp, J.S.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 20(2), 81-97
Food consumption, growth and reproduction of Belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) in human care
Authors: Kastelein, R.A., Ford, J., Berhout, E., Wiepkema, P.R., van Boxsel, M.

Aquatic Mammals, Volume 20(2), 99-107
Refractive index in the cornea of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) measured by two-wavelengths laser-interferometry
Authors: Kröger, R.H.H., Kirschfeld, K.


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