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Aquatic Mammals, Volume 18(2), 36-39
Ciliary muscles in the eye of the long-finned pilot whale Globicephala melaena (Traill, 1809)
Waller, G. N. H.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 18(2), 40-46
Foreign bodies in the stomach of a female Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) from the North Sea
Authors: Kastelein, R. A., & Lavaleije, M. S. S.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 18(2), 47-48
Successful therapy on upper-jaw fracture in a pregnant bottlenose dolphin (T. truncatus) in the Varna Dolphinarium
Authors: Klissarov, D., Zhekov, I., & Milushev, G.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 18(2), 49-55
Three encounters with wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) carrying dead calves
Authors: Harzen, S., & dos Santos, M. E.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 18(2), 56-60
Dolphin mortality along the Southern Italian Coast (June – September 1991)
Authors: Bortolotto, A., Casini, L., & Stanzani, L. A.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 18(2), 61-64
The RAM-packs came back: A method for attaching and recovering pinniped data recorders
Authors: Ellis, G. M., & Trites, A. W.