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Aquatic Mammals, Volume 12(3), 65
Editorial – EAAM meeting in Brussels
Author: Manton, V. G. A.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 12(3), 66-67
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 12(3), 68
‘Fineness’ ratio in cetaceans
Authors: Casinos, A., Bou, J., & Filella, S.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 12(3), 69-70
The breeding of dolphins in captivity in Barcelona Zoo
Authors: Filella, S., Luera, M., & Costa, F.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 12(3), 71-79
The behaviour and trainability of Sotalia fluviatilis in captivity: A survey
Authors: Terry, R. P.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 12(3), 80-82
Pre- and post-natal behavioural problems of a Tursiops female conceived in the ocean
Author: Smolders, J.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 12(3), 83-86
Neonatal activity in two Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphins bred in captivity
Authors: Thurman, G. D., & Williams, M. C.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 12(3), 87-91
Haematological changes in two Lagenorhynchus obscurus treated with Ketoconazole
Authors: Fothergill, M., & Jogessar, V. B.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 12(3), 92-94
The sinuatrial node and its adjacent autonomous ganglia cells in aquatic mammals (A morphological approach)
Author: van Nie, C. J.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 12(3), 95-102
Topographic distribution of sizes and density of ganglion cells in the retina of a porpoise, Phocoena phocoena
Authors: Mass, A. M., Supin, A. Ya., & Severtsov, A. N.