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Aquatic Mammals, Volume 11(3), 69
Author: Manton, V. J. A.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 11(3), 70, 120
Letter to the Editor
Author: Dudok van Heel, W. H.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 11(3), 71-74
The bulbus aortae (Aorta ascendens) in the growing common seal (Phoca vitulina vitulina), a morphological approach
Author: van Nie, C. J.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 11(3), 75-88
Report of the European Cetacean Sightings Workshop
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 11(3), 89-100
Social development of a captive grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) pup in the first six months
Authors: Wilson, S., Miller, L., Hursey, M., Frantz, M., & Gorte, J.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 11(3), 101-108
On the intergeneric hybrids in cetaceans
Authors: Sylvestre, J-P., & Tasaka, S.
Aquatic Mammals, Volume 11(3), 109-119
Cetacean live stranding dates relate to geomagnetic disturbances
Author: Klinowska, M.